The Friends is a non-profit group dedicated to recreation, education, conservation and preservation at Springton Manor Farm, a 306 acre Chester County Park. To accomplish these goals we work with the Chester County Facilities and Parks Department to preserve the unique heritage of the farm through educational opportunities, to promote hands-on farm experience by preserving the opportunity for children and adults to see and interact with farm animals, to experience history through agriculture, to assist in maintenance of the facilities so they can be available for public use
Mission Statement:
To preserve the past and prepare for the future of Springton Manor Farm
The Friends group is non-profit group dedicated to recreation, education, conservation and preservation at Springton Manor Farm. To accomplish these goals we work with the Chester County Facilities and Parks Department to preserve the unique heritage of the farm through educational opportunities, to promote hands-on farm experience by preserving the opportunity for children and adults to see and interact with farm animals, to experience history through agriculture, to assist in maintenance of the facilities so they can be available for public use. The Friends group supports farm programs and operations by providing a volunteer network that makes recommendations to the park staff, raises funds for park improvements and serves as an advocate for the community. A further objective of the Springton Manor Friends group is to educate on the historical background of Springton Manor Farm.
Friends Group History:
First organized in 1985, the Friends of Springton Manor Farm was an energetic community group that loved and supported the Farm. In addition to their twice yearly meetings, the Friends organized and helped staff many wonderful community activities at the farm, including Family Day, Dark in the Park, Junior at Halloween, Scottish Heritage Day, classical Christmas gathering at the manor house, Breakfast with Santa, and a Maple Sugar Festival, among many other events. These special occasions promoted a sense of community, educated visitors about the history of the farm, ecology, agriculture, and brought many Chester County residents to the park to enjoy its beauty and natural treasures. The Friends conducted monthly tours of the manor house and helped to staff the barn for Sunday visitors. The Friends also worked with other community organizations such as the Glen Moore Fire Company, local garden clubs, local park and recreation boards, the local farm community and local environmental groups to support Springton Manor Farm.
Through many fun and interesting fund raisers like the art auction, food concessions at local events and membership dues, the Friends were able to support many programs at the park, to help fund needed improvements there, and fund special events and projects. The Friends group worked closely with the farm staff and the Chester County Parks Department to determine and meet the needs of the park and its resident animals. The Friends group supervised the furnishing of the manor house and worked with a landscape architect to design and build the formal Victorian garden and gazebo at the manor house. The Friends also organized major spring and fall work days to maintain these gardens.
After more than a decade since the last Friend’s organized event, a group of highly motivated individuals answered the call to reorganize the Friends of Springton Manor Farm in 2012. The vision of these energetic volunteers is to play a vital role in promoting the use of the only public working farm in the county. As a non-profit organization, the Friends can be the means for people to be involved in special projects at the farm and the Friends group can also coordinate with various local organizations to promote and staff special events at the farm.
The group’s executive board was formed in December 2012, when 501(c)(3) status was applied for. The IRS confirmed this status in March 2014, retroactive to the date of our application.
The Friends group meets one evening per month at Springton Manor Farm. The gardening team has started work at the butterfly house gardens. The following teams have formed: historical, animal work, trail maintenance, gardening, and event planning - future plans include education, farm cleanup, and public outreach.
For a one-page list of Friends' accomplishments from 2012 to early 2020, see the file link below.
For more about the farm, visit the Chester County page Springton Manor Farm.
Other Chester County park friends groups:
Hibernia County Park in Wagontown, and Warwick County Park in Pottstown, and the Chester Valley Trail also have active Friends Groups. For more information on the Chester County Parks Department, call:
(610) 344-5656, or visit:
- 1271 reads